'Hillaryland Is A Club That Comes With Lifetime Membership' - Huma Abedin

Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton in Conversation with Samantha Barry

Huma Abedin: 'I had to dig my way out of my low point'

Huma Abedin - Her Muslim-American Experience & Hillary Clinton | The Daily Show

Huma Abedin was told her diversity ‘didn’t count’ when working for Hillary Clinton’s campaign

Huma Abedin on Addiction and If She Thinks Anthony Weiner Can Ever Change

Anthony Weiner and Wife, Huma Abedin, Address the Public

Huma Abedin Discusses Her Life and Career

Huma Abedin: 'I Carried That Guilt' Of Hillary Clinton's Loss For A Long Time

Huma Abedin On What She Tells Her Son About Anthony Weiner’s Scandal

Huma Abedin: Everything Has Now Changed For Biden

Fresh Perspectives with Michelle Nunn, featuring Huma Abedin

MUST WATCH: Donald Trump Mocks Huma Abedin FNN

Who Is Huma Abedin? Meet The Woman Linked To Bradley Cooper

Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin in San Francisco promoting new book

Huma Abedin | Forbes 30/50 Summit Teach And Learn

Huma Abedin: How Her Husband’s Scandal Upended Hillary Clinton’s Campaign

CBS News Exclusive: Huma Abedin speaks out

‘Weiner’ Documentary Reveals How Huma Abedin Helped Anthony | TODAY

Huma Abedin Opens Up About Her Life And Marriage In 'Both/And' Memoir

An Evening with Kal Penn and Huma Abedin

Huma Abedin Shares the Unlikely Person Who Convinced Her to Write a Memoir

Huma Abedin Once Fished Hillary Clinton’s Clothes Out of the East River

Huma Abedin Wants to Tell Her Own Story in New Book